Lagrange Holidays invites you to check out our range of self-catering holidays to suit your needs. You will find a wide range of self-catering holidays that have been categorised to suit particular needs. Thanks to our internal search enging or by using the map search you will be able to find your preferred destination, type of holiday, resort, etc.
Have you chosen a winter holiday with your family? To make the most of your free time together we recommend a self-catering holiday in the mountains in the Alps - Haute Savoie. In four or five days you will discover the riches and contrasts of this Alpine paradise, located between Lake Geneva and Mont-Blanc.
Combine the advantages of relaxing by the sea, enjoying the daily activities and taking part in cultural excursions;
Self-catering holidays to suit your needs - rely on a company you can trust, Lagrange Holidays.
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Le service est disponible de 9h à 19h du Lundi au Samedi.
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