It is now time for you to choose your next holiday destination. In a few weeks, all the family will be gathered to enjoy a well-deserved relaxing holiday. But beforehand, you have to make the right choice so that your holiday will match your expectations. Our...
> Find out more…Founded in 1876, LAGRANGE has become one of the leaders in self-catering holidays. Lagrange began as an Estate Agency in 1876. In the 1960s, the Company extended its activities to self-catering holidays, which is now...
> Find out more…Why choose LAGRANGE for your next holiday ?
All our accommodation has been carefully selected by a professional team. The accommodation is visited and checked all year round to ensure high standards of quality. This is our first commitment to you.
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Le service est disponible de 9h à 19h du Lundi au Samedi.
Afin qu'un conseiller puisse vous rappeler, merci de saisir votre numéro de téléphone.
En cas de forte demande, il est possible que vous soyez rappelé à la prochaine ouverture du service.