LES RESIDENCES in Sainte-Marie Plage are ideally located a max. of 100m from the beach with direct access, no road to cross, and 100m from the closest shops. Accommodation is in apartments situated in several small 4-storey buildings.
LES MAISONNETTES in Sainte-Marie-Plage are located between 100-400m from the beach and the closest shops in Sainte-Marie-Plage itself. Accommodation is [...]
LES RESIDENCES in Sainte-Marie Plage are ideally located a max. of 100m from the beach with direct access, no road to cross, and 100m from the closest [...]
The prices shown exclude the booking fee (£15-35) which will be added at a later stage in the booking process.
Sainte Marie Plage/Le Canet is located 4km from Canet itself and is only 50km from Spain. This charming resort boasts vast fine sandy beaches set against a magnificent Pyrenean backdrop, and is a great base for exploring the surrounding area.
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